domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

The cycles of life and surviviny in ecosystem.

Cycles of Life

Organism require certain thengs do stay aline

Water cycle:
The process of naturally recycling water on earth is called water cycle. The water cycle begins with evaporation, condensation, precipitation, Then goes to runoff and the it callects. Evaporation is the heat from the sun that is obsorbed by oceans, seas, lakes, streams, pond puddles and even devi the water evaporate and riseinto the air. Condesation occur when erough water vapor condenses into tiny water from vapor to tiniy ice arystal. Precepitation occur when the condensated water fall do earthm's surface as rain, snow or hail, then it goes to the runoff that is when water flows dounhill bacross the surface instead and plants remone water from the soil and finally occur collevtions that is when water flows into streams, linkes and rivers.


Carbon Cycle:

The recyaling of this important substance is called carbon cycle. Planets take in carban dioxide and give off oxygen, which animals use. Amimals eat plant sugars, starches proteins and other substances. The carbon in these substances is used by animals to make their oun body chemicals, the it goes to the soil that produce oil. Car exhaust and death, decy, storage releases the carbon compounds in their bodis and turned ento carbon dioxide by decomposers. During photasynthesis plants use the carbon from carbon dioxide.


The Nitrogen Cycle:

Thae way nitrogen mones between the air, soil,plants,and animal is nitrogen cycle.
plants absorb nitrates dissolved in water through their roots, them used by plants to make proteins.Animals eats plants proteins, or they eat other animals that eat plants proteins,anim,als wates contain nitrogen compounds.denitrifijing bacteria turn nitrates back into nitrogen gas.Air is madeup about 78% nitrogen gas.
Nitrogen -fixing Bacteria turn nitrogen gas in the air to nitrogen contaiming subtances that plants use to make their proteins.
decomposer break doun the plants proteins. Soil bacteria change ammonia into nutrites.
Bacteria use nitrogen from air to amke nitrogen containing substances called nutrites.


jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010



Many aromes schools, and businesses get heat by burning oil or natural gas. other burn coal and wood for haet. The heat comes from electricity. The electricity comes from a power plont. Heat from burning fossil fuels can be used directly. To heat homes, schools, business, and factories. Other sources of energy are moderm waterwheds, harnessing the wind, earth´s furnace.
A way to conserve every is by water, wind and solar energy.


An ecosystem is all the living and nonliving things i an area interasting with each other.All living things need certain nonliving thing in other to survive. Plants and algae are called producers,they produce oxygen and food that animals need. animals are consumer. Fungi and bacteria are descomposer.All the organisms of a species living in the same area make up a population.The place where an organism live is called its habitat and the role of an organism in the community is its niche.



The energy in the food is passed from one organism to another in a food chain. A food web is the onerlapping food chains.Consumer can be herbivores that eat producers and also eat plants and algae. Carnivore eat  other animal carnivores can be dogs, wolves, foses, cayotes, etc.predatores are living thing that hunt other living thing for food.the hunted are called prey. such meat eaters are the scavangers and other an animal eats both animals and plants an omnivores.