Radio waves: are the longest waves of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Microwaves: a microwaves oven uses electromagnetic waves, too. Microwaves are shortwaves radio waves.water in foods absobs microwaves very readily.The energy from the absorbed microwavas speeds up the water molecules inside the food.
Infrared light: "just beyond red." infrared waves are next to visible red waves in the spectrum. When you stand in sunlight, it is the Sun's infrared waves that warm you.All objects give off infrared waves.
Ultaviolet light:( UV) light is made up of waves just shorter than visible violet light on the spectrum. UV light causes chemical changes.I can produce vitamin D in your body. You need vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth.
X rays and gamma rays: the shortest wavelengths of the spectrum x rays and gamma ray have great penetrating powwer. X rays can pass right through most objects.thicker or denser objects tend to absorb X rays.This means that x rays can produce a picture when they pass through an arm or leg, or your jaw.The denser objects, such as bones and teeth, can show up very clearly on the finished picture.