Places to Live Around the World
Soil varies greatly and is a distinctive factor in each ecosystem. Soil content can determine what plants and animals can live there.
Why is soil important?
The land on Earth is divided into six major kinds of large ecosystems, called biomes. Each biomes has its own kind of climate, soil, plants, and animals.
Hat has happened to the grasslands?
Grasslands are biomes where grasses are the main plant life. They are areas where rainfall is irregular and nor usually plentiful. Prairies, like the Blackland Prairie, are on kind of grassland. Today many of these grasslands are covered with crops such as wheat, corn and oats.
Where are evergreen forest found?
Some of the sediment carried by the glaciers dammed uo streams, forming ponds and lakes. These are the lakes and ponds of a cool, forested biome called the taiga. Much of the lumber is used for making houses for the world’s growing population.
Where is the Land of Frozen Earth?
This cold biome of the far north is called tundra. The sun melts ice in the top layer of the soil. The top layer of soil acts like a vast sponge for the melted ice. Many tundra plants are wildflowers and grasses.
How dry is dry?
A desert is a sandy or rocky biome, with little precipitation and little plant life. The driest place on Earth is found in Arica, Chile. Few animals and plants live in deserts. Those that do are very hardy. They are well adapted to living in the desert.
Where is the land of falling leaves?
The deciduous fores is a forest biome with many trees that lose their leaves each year. Each autumn the leaves turn yellow, orange, and red, painting the land with glorious color. Chipmunks live in the deciduous forest and the squirrels leap from branh to brabch.
Where is hot and humid?
Tropical rain forests are hot and humid, with much rainfall. They support a wide variety of life. The world’s topical rain forests have been victims of people’s needs for lumber, farmland, and minerals.
What are water ecosystems like?
Temperature and precipitation differ among ecosystems on land. Lakes, streams, rivers, ponds and certain marshes, swamps, and bogs tend to have little salt in them. Organism can be divided into three main categories that are plankton, nekton and benthos.
What lives in salt water?
Photosynthetic organisms, like algae, can only live where there is sunlight. They are found in the intertidal zone and in waters up to about 100 meters deep. Many fantastic creatures live on the dark ocean bottom.
What if the great whales vanish?
The whales were being used for human and animal food, oil for lamps, and fertilizer. However, there were other sources of such products. Recognizing this, and the danger to whale populations, the major whaling countries formed the International Whaling Comission in 1946.
How Ecosystem Change
Tey can occur in ypur backyard, They can happen in an empty city lot or on one tis abandoned streets. Ecosystem change in everywhere.
How do communities change?
Scientists call the gradual replacement of one community by another ecological sucession. It can begin where a community already exists such as in an abandoned farm field. Ecological succession in a place where a community already exists is called secondary succession. Ecological succession can also happen where there are few, if any, living things. This is called primary succession.
How does Mount Saint Helens Change?
Scientist would call the fireweed a pioneer species. A new community, called a pioneer community is beginning to thrive around Mount Saint Helens.
What Makes Up Pioneer Communities?
Here the pioneer community is usually made up of bacteria, fungi, and algae. A scientist visiting the island will see a climax community that is a final stage of succession. This community will stay largely unchanged unless some major event occurs
Why Do Some Organisms Survive While Other Don’t?
Our planet is changing all the times. Its continents move north and south, east and west. Climates change from hot to cold, cold to hot, wet to dry or dry to wet. As these changes occur, populations and communities change with them.
Where Have All the Metals Gone?
People us these metals in many ways. Gold is made into jewelry and coins, silver is also in photographic film and tableware. Clearly metals play an important part in our modern society. Since metal-containing rocks are buried in the ground, we must change the ground to get at them.